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12:31 p.m. - 10-03-05
weekend update
"looks like someone's got a bad case of the mondays"

my weekend was pretty uneventful. friday night brian and i had dinner with my father and step-mother. that was lovely. i was anxious all week about it and (as it turns out) there was no reason for my anxiety. the dinner was lovely... the conversation stayed away from my sister... and we left with full bellies and smiles on our faces.

saturday my grandmother turned 77 so we (max & i) went out to her house. some of my family members came and i was a bit concerned that my sister might show up. thankfully... she did not and the day was splendid and full of laughter.

sunday was relaxation and picking up jonah from madison.

other than that... there's nothing to tell. the internet has been quite and drama free for me...

luda also turned 1 on saturday. he learned how to climb the fence for real on saturday too. i actually caught him outside of our yard in the neighbor's yard. i was scolding him as i walked up to the fence to pull him over and told him to "get over here!" at which point he put his little paws in the chain link fence and climbed over back into our yard. yes... climbed over.

today i'm going to get those little wooden slats that go in the fence so he can't get his paws in there to climb out. the little fucker!

lastly, i watched the first episode of the new season of saturday night live. i am pleased as punch to report that i laughed more than i didn't thusly proving that this season might actually be funny after all... time will tell...

"now i ain't sayin' she's a gold digger... but she ain't messin' with a broke... broke."

what the fuck is that? broke twice? that sounds so fucking stupid. to add insult to injury... kanye then decides that some sort of epileptic twitching can be morphed into a dance as long as he's doing it to the music?!? wha? i don't think so...


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